Chat History with basekamp/$ad563cc59b22afa4" title="#basekamp/$ad563cc59b22afa4">byproducts http://basekamp.com/about/events/byproducts (#basekamp/$ad563cc59b22afa4)
Created on 2010-05-26 09:13:04.
- BASEKAMP team: 17:54:38
- hi marisa, stephen & nick!
- stephen wright: 17:54:52
- Hey Scott!
- Marisa Jahn: 17:54:52
- hi!
- stephen wright: 17:54:55
- Hi Marisa
- Nick Hanford: 17:54:56
- Hello
- Marisa Jahn: 17:54:59
- just getting some images emplaced
- BASEKAMP team: 17:55:06
- let's wait a few mins for people to come in before starting
- Marisa Jahn: 17:55:09
- should i send them to someone or what do i do with them?
- BASEKAMP team: 17:55:10
- ok great
- BASEKAMP team: 17:55:22
- well... could they be available online somewhere? like flickr?
- Marisa Jahn: 17:56:55
- hm. i can upload them to my server?
- BASEKAMP team: 17:58:20
- totally
- Marisa Jahn: 17:58:33
- i mean i know i can, q is, does this make sense for people to then click on them?
- BASEKAMP team: 17:58:44
- i only suggest online so people can be passed links
- BASEKAMP team: 17:58:52
- whatever's easiest for you honestly
- Marisa Jahn: 17:59:02
- ok
- BASEKAMP team: 17:59:09
- even if no images, it would be ok
but they're always a bit of a help
- BASEKAMP team: 18:00:57
- who's up for a quick sound check call?
- Nick Hanford: 18:01:16
- i can take it
- Marisa Jahn: 18:01:50
- ok you call me then?
- Nick Hanford: 18:03:01
- i think they are testing basekamp's connection
- BASEKAMP team: 18:09:37
- so that was fun
- Marisa Jahn: 18:09:45
- yar
- stephen wright: 18:09:57
- having fun are you?
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:03
- indeed!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:05
- sound checkin
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:09
- maxin & relaxin
- stephen wright: 18:10:11
- rock on
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:18
- chillin & illin
- BASEKAMP team: 18:10:31

- Marisa Jahn: 18:10:31
- just uploading these images...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:11:22
- btw, reading this: http://basekamp.com/about/events/byproducts
- BASEKAMP team: 18:12:38
- & http://www.rev-it.org/projects/byproducts.htm
- BASEKAMP team: 18:12:52
- How are you all this evening? (afternon . latenight depending on your timezone
- stephen wright: 18:13:21
- fit as a fiddle, given the hour
- stephen wright: 18:13:43
- Hi David
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:13:57
- hi how are you?
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:14:14
- sorry to have lost you the other day
- BASEKAMP team: 18:14:29
- lovely . drinking beer and looking at dessert on the table and hummus and chips
- BASEKAMP team: 18:14:40
- glad to have you as always David!
- stephen wright: 18:14:40
- We'll have a chance to catch up. I enjoyed our exchange though!
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:14:50
- funny to bump into you at the tate
- stephen wright: 18:14:57
- haha!
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:15:05
- I was exhibiting poster works
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:15:11
- yes it was
- stephen wright: 18:15:33
- I should go incognito to places like that!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:16:08
- so guys, who wants to get started with having an audio chat?
- stephen wright: 18:16:25
- that's what we're here / hear for
- stephen wright: 18:16:34
- whenever Marisa's ready
- Marisa Jahn: 18:16:42
- ok just testing the html page - 1 sec
- BASEKAMP team: 18:16:56
- the weather is so.. sometihing - beautiful - or - that most people are out walking. or sleeping -- but a few of us are here & happy to chat
- BASEKAMP team: 18:17:07
- sweeet
- BASEKAMP team: 18:17:26
- jsut let us know when you're done marisa & we'll call everyone
- Marisa Jahn: 18:17:37
- ok i'm ready
- Marisa Jahn: 18:17:39
- url is here:
- Marisa Jahn: 18:17:40
- http://www.marisajahn.com/basekamp.html
- BASEKAMP team: 18:17:41

- BASEKAMP team: 18:17:47
- awesum
- stephen wright: 18:18:42
- lost me
- BASEKAMP team: 18:19:50
- d'oh
- Nick Hanford: 18:20:35
- yep
- stephen wright: 18:21:08
- lost me again...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:22:26
- oh noes
- BASEKAMP team: 18:23:35
- http://www.marisajahn.com/basekamp.html
- BASEKAMP team: 18:24:25
- Joseph was on earlier & says HI btw
- BASEKAMP team: 18:24:47
- he'll try to pop in sometime near the end

- stephen wright: 18:27:52
- lost me
- stephen wright: 18:27:57
- bad connection tonight
- stephen wright: 18:28:11
- please call me back
- BASEKAMP team: 18:29:50
- dang sry stephen - trying u again
- BASEKAMP team: 18:30:34
- will keep trying
- stephen wright: 18:30:40
- please
- stephen wright: 18:30:46
- maybe we can do some text
- stephen wright: 18:30:59
- It's really interesting, but technology is not happening
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:13
- o
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:15
- ok
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:42
- marisa is talking about Artist Placement Group, ... image #1 on taht link above
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:31:55
- can you explain why the big interest in the group
- BASEKAMP team: 18:31:59
- this one is by Jonathan Latham, called Big Breather
- stephen wright: 18:32:11
- can you call me again
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:32:43
- both groups were very famous in the 70's
- stephen wright: 18:33:14
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 18:33:15
- in the UK yes
- BASEKAMP team: 18:33:38
- neither were so famous in the US...
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:33:44
- sure
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:34:04
- we produced material for the same magazine
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:34:15
- BASEKAMP team: 18:35:59
- Stephen it might be good to calrify P@W's interest in Organizational Art in this context... at some point...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:36:19
- tho wouldn't want to derail Marisa's chat
- stephen wright: 18:37:09
- dropped again...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:40:58
- eating http://deallocker.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/stacys_pita_chips_... btw
- stephen wright: 18:42:20
- scott... sorry, lost again
- BASEKAMP team: 18:42:56
- d'oh!
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:10
- we lost stephen
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:45
- re-adding u stephen
- BASEKAMP team: 18:43:50
- talking about Au Travail
- BASEKAMP team: 18:44:12
- next image down... two girls hugging in a vat of oil at Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food cahin
- stephen wright: 18:47:16
- When the connection is cooperating, I have no problem following you Marisa. And yet what is interesting is that you use some off-beat terms, not idiosyncratically, but pointedly, kind of hijacking them or retracking them. I'd like to ask you about a couple of them, and more generally to ask you about what you think about that whole vocabulary question. You called yourself something of an "interloper"... What's that? You explained "byproducts" right off the bat, but it is clearly a case of repossession of a word. As is "embedded". See my point? All this beyond the examples per se.
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 18:47:29
- yes
- stephen wright: 18:51:29
- d'oh!
- stephen wright: 18:51:38
- I like that project too!
- stephen wright: 18:52:37
- It seems as if all the bandwidth in my hotel is being consumed by my neighbours downloading huge amounts of porn.
- BASEKAMP team: 18:52:38
- calling you bakkkk
- stephen wright: 18:52:41
- Please call me again
- BASEKAMP team: 18:53:04
- tell them to get a room
- Nick Hanford: 18:53:25
- i think the problem may be that they have a room
- stephen wright: 18:53:47
- They should all be given a common room
- BASEKAMP team: 18:54:16

- BASEKAMP team: 18:55:48
- and... http://www.mykitchenaddiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/2009-02-03-...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:01
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janez_Jan%C5%A1a
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:13
- and...
- BASEKAMP team: 18:58:14
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janez_Jan%C5%A1a_(performance_artist)
- BASEKAMP team: 18:59:04

- stephen wright: 19:02:15
- Guerrilla Electoral Theater
- BASEKAMP team: 19:03:14
- http://books.google.com/books?id=X2RlSHAYUd4C&dq=guerrilla+electoral+the...
- BASEKAMP team: 19:04:02
- Reverend Billy & the Church of life after Shopping
- BASEKAMP team: 19:05:51
- stephen wright: 19:07:49
- This is all the funnier as the Governor General of Canada (our Head of State) is herself Haitian born. So there is an automatic confusion between Miss Canadiana and the Queen's Representative. So there is a real Yes Men twist in terms of race relations
- BASEKAMP team: 19:08:52
- stephen wright: 19:14:12
- You chose to do it as a book -- not as an exhibition
- stephen wright: 19:16:05
- it's the rythms and patterns of the context that produce the work
- BASEKAMP team: 19:16:31
- the work focused on is critical, but not involved in "institutional critique" exactly
- stephen wright: 19:16:53
- I really like the Lucas project -- it's one of the strongest in the book in my opinion -- but it could easily be part of any good mainstream exhibition -- it has the appeal for sure
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:17:01
- what about art works that take place inside and outside art institutions but do not produce material evidence, such as Ian Wilsons?
- stephen wright: 19:17:37
- he does produce material evidence though
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:17:44
- they take the form of discussions
- stephen wright: 19:18:02
- I mean, people bear witness, there are recordings...
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:18:10
- sure
- stephen wright: 19:18:16
- great work to be sure
- BASEKAMP team: 19:18:23
- we're looknig for evidence of ian wilson's work
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:18:25
- but their experiential
- BASEKAMP team: 19:18:38
- think we found some http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz2l6Xg40JY
- stephen wright: 19:18:44
- yes it's a good example
- stephen wright: 19:19:05
- He's this south african artist who just does talks in museums
- BASEKAMP team: 19:19:05
- it's not a rick roll don't worry -
- BASEKAMP team: 19:19:08
- but close
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:25:12
- I find the issue of the everyday and the real , and the differentiation between something that appears real or subverts the real very interesting but difficult to get my head around, so the terms and language you use to read practices looking at these issues fascinating.
- stephen wright: 19:27:42
- This Eye-Witness project is interesting and important, but have you considered in what ways its conditions of possibility lie in art-related activity? I mean it sounds like the "up against the wall motherfuckers" take on radical conceptual art
- stephen wright: 19:31:04
- This fact may not interest anyone but me, but now that the skype connection is working perfectly (it's 1:30 am) seems to suggest that my hypothesis about the porn downloaders was accurate -- and now they've all nodded off!
- stephen wright: 19:39:19
- for sure!
- stephen wright: 19:39:32
- accountability and working with communities
- stephen wright: 19:39:50
- you might call that "collective autonomy" -- something art is not too good at
- stephen wright: 19:41:53
- artists need help in dealing with empirical data, with worldly knowledge!
- stephen wright: 19:42:44
- They were WAY aggressive!
- stephen wright: 19:42:57
- oops, lost my connection (those motherfuckers are back)
- BASEKAMP team: 19:43:17
- adding u bak
- stephen wright: 19:43:27
- thanks
- BASEKAMP team: 19:45:45
ing u
- stephen wright: 19:45:46
- on!
- BASEKAMP team: 19:50:41
- kung fu!

- BASEKAMP team: 19:51:41
- BASEKAMP team: 19:51:42
- http://www.mucketymuck.org/b_1_exhibitions/kits4encounter/archive_book.htm
- Marisa Jahn: 19:51:51
- this link is better:
- Marisa Jahn: 19:51:51
- http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CBcQFjAA&url=...
- Marisa Jahn: 19:51:55
- oops not that one
- Marisa Jahn: 19:52:01
- http://www.rev-it.org/projects/recipes.htm
- Marisa Jahn: 19:52:02
- this one
- BASEKAMP team: 19:53:09
- you mean the 80s?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:53:25
- happened...
- BASEKAMP team: 19:56:07
- i was definitely kidding above -- there was a ton of activist art in the 80s.. but it was different
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:58:12
- Latham disappeared or became invisible in the 80's along with Metzger
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 19:58:47
- coincided with the failure of the official avant garde
- stephen wright: 19:58:50
- Sorry what was his name?
- stephen wright: 19:59:25
- the art historian?
- BASEKAMP team: 19:59:52
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portapak
- stephen wright: 20:00:20
- Bonin, Vincent
- stephen wright: 20:00:41
- Documentary Protocols
- BASEKAMP team: 20:01:17
- link to exhibition
- BASEKAMP team: 20:02:11
- right
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 20:02:21
- yep I need to sleep
- BASEKAMP team: 20:02:43
- everyone from europe - and elsewhere - thanks for staying up sleepless with us!
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 20:02:49
- yes thank you very much
- ost-autonomy" title="post-autonomy">post-autonomy: 20:03:07
- bye
- BASEKAMP team: 20:03:11
- bi!
- stephen wright: 20:03:19
- until next time!
- Marisa Jahn: 20:03:24
- thank you scottage and basekampers!